Four Shows this Autumn

Todd Keyser has curated a show at Gross Mccleaf Gallery in Philadelphia called The Romantic Impulse, and included an edition of my underwater photographs printed at 16 × 12″. It is on view from August 2 – 31.

On September 28 in Chicago I will have four or five pieces at Dock 6 Design and Art.

In November I am going to Paris, where I’ll have work in Jeune Creation. The show will be open from November 3 through 11. It is held in Le Centquatre, near the Gare Est train station. (Notice that they used one of my images for the advertising.) Jeune Creation is a very large show featuring around sixty young artists from all over the world. I’ll show some photographs, drawings and small sculptures.

From November 9 through January 17 I will be an occasional artist-in-residence atArtSpace in New Haven, where I’ll have work in the show Martha Lewis is curating called Instructions Not Included. She has asked that I show some of the Sound Objects, which I’m currently redressing. During the residency I will set up a work station in the gallery, where visitors can watch me tinker.